The Vape Keeper

The first holder to keep your vape in the correct position while cancelling its identity.

Ready to License or Manufacture

The engineering and patent work is complete!

The Vape Keeper is ready for licensing or manufacturing today.



See The Vape Keeper in action. This 3D animated video will provide a detailed look at the features and benefits of this invention.


The Vape Keeper is not just any holder; it’s the first holder to keep your vape in the correct position while cancelling its identity. Whether you’re into water sports, leisure activities, or you’re just going about your daily routine, The Vape Keeper provides you with easy, discreet access to your vape. Simply load your vape into the keeper from the slot on the back. Its upright storage design offers optimal protection for both your vape and its contents. When ready to smoke, pull the top down, take a drag, and then close the vape back into the keeper. It’s that simple! Lightweight and water-resistant, The Vape Keeper is ready for any adventure.


Introducing… The Vape Keeper!

Contact us NOW to learn about manufacturing, retail, wholesale, distribution, or licensing opportunities for The Vape Keeper.

  • Upright Storage Design Offers Optimal Protection

  • Provides Discreet Access to Your Vape

  • Easy to Use

  • Lightweight and Water-Resistant

  • Various Colors Possible

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Kathy Walls of Colon, MI has created the first holder to keep your vape in the correct position while cancelling its identity.

Whether you are an avid water sports enthusiast, a fan of leisure activities, or simply immersed in your daily tasks, The Vape Keeper is your perfect companion, providing effortless and discreet access to your vape.

Simply load your vape into the keeper through the conveniently located slot at the back. Its upright storage design ensures the utmost protection for your vape and its contents, safeguarding them from any potential damage. When the moment strikes for a smoke, all you need to do is effortlessly pull down the top, indulge in a soothing drag, and then securely encase your vape back into the safety of the keeper. Built to be water-resistant and lightweight for easy portability, The Vape Keeper is your reliable ally, always ready to accompany you on every adventure life throws your way! Various colors are possible.

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